
  • Multiple charts within UITableView

    Before reading this post, kindly refer previous 3 posts i.e. Horizontal Bar Chart, Vertical Bar Chart & Line Chart inorder to get a clear understanding from this post. In this post we will look into one of the practical approaches for implementing multiple charts within UITableView. (Refer Final Result for screenshots).

  • Pagination with Line Chart

    In this post we will look into one of the easiest approach for implementing pagination with line chart. (Refer Final Result for screenshots). Assuming you have already installed Charts Library by adding to Podfile of your project and imported Charts to required UIViewController.

  • Stacked Bar Chart with Corner Radius Renderer

    After receiving a UX design not supported by Library, for which intially raised a PR but eventually succeeded to customize so decided to write an post for same to help someone avoid same problems. In this post we will look into creating a corner-radius renderer for stacked bar chart. (Refer Final Result for screenshot after using corner-radius renderer). Assuming you have already installed Charts Library by adding to Podfile of your project and imported Charts to required UIViewController.

  • Horizontal Bar Chart with X-Axis Custom Renderer

    I decided to write an post about Charts Library, Specifically about how to create a x-axis custom renderer for horizontal bar chart. If we implement horizontal bar chart without x-axis custom renderer, Alignment Issue shown in Actual Result will be observed. Inorder to resolve this alignment issue, we need to use x-axis custom renderer (Refer Expected Result for screenshots after using x-axis custom renderer).

  • Collapsible Header with Search in SwiftUI

    I have been searching for an tutorial in SwiftUI which explains how to make an collapsible header while searching within sub header and after going through many posts, articles,..etc finally managed to understand and got it working. So I decided to write an post which will be informative and helpful to someone new to SwiftUI.

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